

At the George Washington University, we develop and deliver state-of-the-art educational offerings that prepare tomorrow’s leaders, researchers, and innovators to co-design a future where AI complements and empowers human workers and problem solvers. Recognizing that different roles will require different preparation, below you will find a wide range of educational offerings, organized by level, across our comprehensive university. GW TAI faculty members bring their accomplishments in research to bear in the classroom, challenging learners to solve complex problems creatively and lead TAI work confidently, whether as researchers, regulators or implementers.



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Course Spotlight

EMSE 6992: Seminar in Trustworthy AI in Systems

Developed for the Co-Design of Trustworthy AI Systems (DTAIS) Ph.D. fellowship, EMSE 6992 is a weekly interdisciplinary seminar that brings together faculty from across the university and practitioners in government and industry to engage students on contemporary issues of trustworthy AI in context. Guest speakers and case studies provide them with a solid foundation in TAI while discipline-based literature work challenges them to identify the specific knowledge their doman brings to the topic. Students leave the course confident in their ability to engage with questions of trust in their chosen field and make meaningful contributions to related disciplines.

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